Faculty of Humanities

Vacancies / Job offers

Have a look at current job offers and vacancies at the Faculty of Humanities and its facilities.

W3-Professorships, Tenure Track-Professorships, Associate/Assistant Professorships

W3 (Full) Professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology

The Faculty of Humanities at the University of Tübingen invites applications for a position at the Department of Asian and Oriental Studies of

W3 (Full) Professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology

to commence on 1 October 2024.

The future job holder has to be excellently qualified in the field of social and cultural anthropology with a focus on South Asia, evidenced by internationally visible publications as well as a long-standing research experience in South Asia. Familiarity with the linguistic and religious diversity of South Asia and excellent knowledge of at least one modern language of the region are required. The focus of research must include at least one of the following areas: anthropology of the senses, digital anthropology and political anthropology. These focal points should be linked to current debates on alternative knowledge formations as much as on ethnological research methods as well as the study of religion.

The professorship has a leading role in the development of social and cultural anthropology at Tübingen University and is expected to participate in the excellency cluster on “Critical Proximities”, to be involved in third-party funded research projects and to have successfully acquired third-party funding on the level of ERC Starting Grant, ERC Consolidator Grant, ERC Synergy Grant or similar formats. The future job holder has to be able to teach and give classes within the BA programme „Ethnologie“ and the MA programme Social and Cultural Anthropology as well as contribute to the development of new interdisciplinary study programmes in the Department of Asian and Oriental Studies.

Required qualifications include a PhD or equivalent degree as well as postdoctoral qualifications and teaching experience equivalent to the requirements of a full professorship.
The University of Tübingen is committed to equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion. Female scientists, in particular, are explicitly invited to apply, as are applicants from outside Germany.
Applications from equally qualified candidates with disabilities will be given preference.

General information on professorships, hiring processes, and the German academic system can be found here: uni-tuebingen.de/en/213700

Applications including all required documents (curriculum vitae and outline of academic career, copies of certificates and degrees, publications list, list of teaching experience, overview of established and planned research focus) as well as a selection of relevant publications (monographs authored and five articles) should be exclusively submitted via the appointment portal of the University of Tübingen at berufungen.uni-tuebingen.de by July 07th 2024. Enquiries can be directed to the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Prof. Dr. Angelika Zirker (berufungen@philosophie.uni-tuebingen.de).

W3 (Full) Professor of General / Computational Linguistics

The Faculty of Humanities at the University of Tübingen invites applications for a position at the Institute of Linguistics as a

W3 (Full) Professor of General / Computational Linguistics

to commence as soon as possible.

The future job holder must be excellently qualified in research in the field of general / computational linguistics, evidenced by relevant publications in leading journals and conference proceedings.

Proven excellence in research using current computational linguistic methods is expected. Experience with linguistically informed data formats is desirable.

Since the professorship plays a leading role in the partly international Bachelor and Master programs Computational Linguistics, General Linguistics and Cognitive Science, the future position holder needs to be able to represent the full bandwidth of Computational Linguistics including its interdisciplinary connections with General Linguistics and Cognitive Science.

The successful candidate must be willing to acquire third-party funding and to participate in collaborative interdisciplinary third-party funded projects at the University.

Required qualifications include a PhD or equivalent degree as well as postdoctoral qualifications and teaching experience equivalent to the requirements of a full professorship.

The University of Tübingen is committed to equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion. Female scientists, in particular, are explicitly invited to apply, as are applicants from outside Germany.

Applications from equally qualified candidates with disabilities will be given preference.

General information on professorships, hiring processes, and the German academic system can be found here: https://uni-tuebingen.de/en/213700

Applications including all required documents (curriculum vitae and outline of academic career, copies of certificates and degrees, publications list, list of teaching experience (and teaching evaluations, if available), overview of established and planned research focus) as well as a selection of relevant publications (monographs authored and five articles) should be submitted via the appointment portal of the University of Tübingen at https://berufungen.uni-tuebingen.de by June 20, 2024. Enquiries can be directed to the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Prof. Dr. Dietmar Till (berufungenspam prevention@philosophie.uni-tuebingen.de).

W3 (Full) Professor of Computational Linguistics

The Faculty of Humanities at the University of Tübingen invites applications for a position at the Institute of Linguistics as a

W3 (Full) Professor of Computational Linguistics

to commence as soon as possible.

The future position holder must be outstanding in research in the field of Computational Linguistics, evidenced by relevant publications in leading journals and conference proceedings. Demonstrated expertise in modern NLP methods, such as neural language models or other machine learning techniques, is required. Desirable is a research profile that is compatible with linguistic theory and cognitive science, such as through theoretical or empirical comparisons of machine and human learning and processing. As the professorship will play a key role in the partly international Bachelor and Master programs in Computational Linguistics/Computational Linguistics, General Linguistics, and Cognitive Science, the future position holder should be able to represent the full breadth of Computational Linguistics.

Willingness to acquire third-party funding and to participate in collaborative interdisciplinary third-party funded projects of the university is expected.

Required qualifications include a PhD or equivalent degree as well as postdoctoral qualifications and teaching experience equivalent to the requirements of a full professorship.

The University of Tübingen is committed to equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion. Female scientists, in particular, are explicitly invited to apply, as are applicants from outside Germany.

Applications from equally qualified candidates with disabilities will be given preference.

General information on professorships, hiring processes, and the German academic system can be found here: https://uni-tuebingen.de/en/213700

Applications including all required documents (curriculum vitae and outline of academic career, copies of certificates and degrees, publications list, list of teaching experience (and teaching evaluations, if available), overview of established and planned research focus) as well as a selection of relevant publications (monographs authored and five articles) should be submitted via the appointment portal of the University of Tübingen at https://berufungen.uni-tuebingen.de by June 20, 2024.

Enquiries can be directed to the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Prof. Dr. Dietmar Till (berufungenspam prevention@philosophie.uni-tuebingen.de).


Here you can find the general quality assurance plan for assistant professorships with tenure track of the University of Tübingen.

The individual evaluation criteria for each of the positions can be found right after the respective tender offer.

As of spring 2018, the new Baden-Württemberg State Higher Education Act will include the category of Tenure Track Professorship in § 51b. Until then, the term used is "assistant professor with tenure track." Therefore it is possible for people who hold such a W1 positions to call themselves and be called tenure-track professors. The calls for applications published on this part of the website are to fill such Tenure Track Professorships. It is possible to receive supplements to the basic salary for W1 positions and, thus, also for Tenure Track professors.

Academic Staff

Administrative Staff

Currently there are no vacancies.